A Guardian ad Litem is a court-appointed professional who investigates claims being made in child custody matters and issues a report with findings and recommendations as to the child(ren)'s best interest.

Why Choose a Guardian ad Litem from
Our Guardian ad Litems are mental health professionals with extensive training and experience working with complex family issues such as domestic violence, personality disorders, parental alienation, and parent-child contact issues.
We understand the negative impact of ongoing litigation on child development and the importance of parents working together for the best interest of their children. When successful, this results in positive outcomes for your children and substantially reduces the cost of litigation.

Cost of Services
Our initial retainers range from $3000.00 to $5000.00 and are billed at a rate of $250.00 an hour. Financing is available through Client Pay (Affirm) and can be explored further by selecting the "Make Payment" tab below and under the payment method selecting "Pay Later."